We want to Celebrate your work through Kinia Credentials.



Is í an fhís atá againn ná go mbeidh deis ag gach duine na scileanna a theastaíonn uathu a fhorbairt chun a gcumas foghlama ar feadh an tsaoil a chomhlíonadh.

Celebrate Your Work!

Kinia Credentials recognise professional development and activation of skills, and then allow an Educator to award digital badges to young people. 

Kinia credentials are endorsed and supported by a range of partners, such as:

Is féidir leat iarratas a dhéanamh ar Cháilíocht Kinia má tá:

Oiliúint Déanta agat

Have successfully completed in-person or online Kinia Training.

Activated Skills

Implemented the skills in your school or youth service

Coinneáil Cuntas

Documenting the activation can take the format of any of the below: 

1. A project to be submitted for Creative TechFest or TechFéile. or

2. Cur i láthair ilmheán a thaispeánann torthaí foghlama do ranga/do ghrúpa (e.g. Físeán/íomhánna/postáil blag). 

3. Machnamh ar do phróiséas foghlama agus tú ag baint úsáid as na scileanna a d’fhoghlaim tú. 

Share your Skills:

All Educator’s that activate their skills can award digital badges to young people.

Our digital badges give young people the opportunity to build their personal portfolio of skills and competencies learned, in their own unique digital wallet, a CV for their future.

Is féidir le bheith cruthaitheach digiteach cabhrú le príomhscileanna agus inniúlachtaí a fhorbairt a chothaíonn deiseanna agus conairí foghlama, ionas gur féidir le gach duine óg a dtodhchaí féin a chruthú go muiníneach. Scaoil le scileanna riachtanacha atá dírithe ar an todhchaí, mar shampla:

Bí mar chuid de Phobal Foghlama Éagsúil, Uilechuimsitheach agus Comhoibríoch!

You can become Kinia Certified if you sucessfully completed our training, activated skills in your school or youth setting, and can document evidence.

Ár dTionchar

Is léiriú iad na figiúirí thíos ar ár rath náisiúnta:

Leanaí &

Daoine Óga




Scoileanna & Ionad Óige faoi Thacaíocht


Oibrithe Deonacha


Ár bPáirtnéirí & Maoinitheoirí